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PEAR2_Cache_SHM by boenrobot

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Allows you to share data across requests as long as the PHP process is running. One of APC, APCu or WinCache is required to accomplish this, with other extensions being potentially pluggable as adapters.

Latest version

0.2.0 released on 07 November 2016

See releases page


If you have Pyrus, without downloading anything:

pyrus install -o PEAR2_Cache_SHM-alpha

And in your PHP, load it with any PSR-0 compatible autoloader (e.g. PEAR2_Autoload).

Alternatively, if you download the PHAR archive from this page, you can just include it, like:

require_once 'PEAR2_Cache_SHM-0.2.0.phar';
//Rest of your code

See the page in the project's wiki for details and other ways of installation.


LGPL 2.1

PEAR2_Cache_SHM at OpenHub